Lucio Surf League Leaderboard & Rankings

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Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5

About Lucio Surf League

In short

Lucio Surf is a custom game mode for Overwatch. The objective of Lucio Surf is to get from point A to point B, sometimes through checkpoints on the way, as fast as possible without touching the ground.

There are two different modes for Lucio Surf called "Standard" and "Gravspeed". Standard is just that, the standard speed. In Gravspeed Lucio's speed is set to 125% and gravity is reduced to 80%.

To play Lucio Surf you can start your own game with the Workshop Codes to the right, or search for an existing one. To find a game open Overwatch, click on Play > Game Browser and search for "Lucio Surf".

Seasons & Workshop Codes

Each season has its own routes for each map, and its own ranking and records.

The Workshop Code is KVKKR

Participation & Discord

Anyone can submit their runs to Lucio Surf League! You need to make sure you are using the correct Workshop Code and you need to record your runs as proof. You can record using software like Medal. We prefer if the videos are uploaded on gfycat.

To submit a run join our Discord and post it in the #bot-commands channel. Type /submit and the bot will guide you through it.

Season 1 Overwatch 2

Click here for the outdated OW1 leaderboard

Top 10 rankings


7 235 points
6 818 points
6 542 points
5 824 points
5 130 points
4 600 points
4 217 points
4 214 points
3 888 points
3 823 points


3 631 points
3 138 points
2 504 points
2 459 points
2 450 points
1 601 points
1 090 points
970 points
937 points
805 points


3 627 points
3 559 points
3 510 points
3 404 points
3 320 points
3 277 points
3 187 points
3 107 points
3 100 points
3 037 points


Submissions for Season 1


Nepal Shrine

7.564 sec by .4.2
27d 21h ago

Horizon Lunar Colony

7.469 sec by doctordoomile
28d ago


7.389 sec by doctordoomile
28d ago


14.528 sec by uhlown
28d ago

Volskaya Industries

7.291 sec by .4.2
28d ago
Show more
SurferSuper SurferEpic SurferLegendary SurferMythic Surfer

World Records

Workshop code KVKKR

Blizzard World

12.719 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz12.719 seconds
Play#2africancheese12.722 seconds
Play#3chatfou5712.799 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai12.836 seconds
Play#5lossio12.864 seconds
Show more

Busan Downtown

6.784 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio6.784 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz6.796 seconds
Play#3volar1k6.807 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai6.815 seconds
Play#5africancheese6.823 seconds
Show more

Busan MEKA Base

8.627 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai8.627 seconds
Play#2_pazz8.674 seconds
Play#3real.waterman8.682 seconds
Play#4tiyago8.710 seconds
Play#5heyitsezpz8.729 seconds
Show more

Busan Sanctuary

9.219 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese9.219 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz9.237 seconds
Play#3puffis_senpai9.269 seconds
Play#3braisel9.269 seconds
Play#5chatfou579.271 seconds
Show more

Chateau Guillard

5.751 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1volar1k5.751 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai5.778 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz5.783 seconds
Play#4_pazz5.833 seconds
Play#5.ctn.5.840 seconds
Show more

Circuit Royal

16.762 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz16.762 seconds
Play#2africancheese16.880 seconds
Play#3_pazz16.945 seconds
Play#4themilito17.094 seconds
Play#5chatfou5717.357 seconds
Show more


12.617 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai12.617 seconds
Play#2chatfou5712.661 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz12.683 seconds
Play#4_pazz12.802 seconds
Play#5lukw112.848 seconds
Show more


12.786 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai12.786 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz12.794 seconds
Play#3_pazz12.997 seconds
Play#4themilito13.039 seconds
Play#5chatfou5713.064 seconds
Show more


10.807 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1.ctn.10.807 seconds
Play#2africancheese10.821 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz10.831 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai10.864 seconds
Play#5_pazz10.912 seconds
Show more


13.914 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese13.914 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz13.922 seconds
Play#3puffis_senpai13.968 seconds
Play#3_pazz13.968 seconds
Play#5tonystark696914.046 seconds
Show more


9.277 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1justreef9.277 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai9.298 seconds
Play#3africancheese9.309 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz9.326 seconds
Play#5tiyago9.332 seconds
Show more


17.519 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese17.519 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai17.577 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz17.579 seconds
Play#4lukw117.632 seconds
Play#5themilito18.284 seconds
Show more


11.726 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese11.726 seconds
Play#2.ctn.11.746 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz11.826 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai11.838 seconds
Play#5_pazz12.059 seconds
Show more

Horizon Lunar Colony

8.992 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese8.992 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz9.022 seconds
Play#3_pazz9.145 seconds
Play#4tonystark69699.153 seconds
Play#5themilito9.306 seconds
Show more

Ilios Lighthouse

7.972 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai7.972 seconds
Play#2africancheese7.972 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz7.975 seconds
Play#4tonystark69698.015 seconds
Play#5_pazz8.035 seconds
Show more

Ilios Ruins

11.197 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai11.197 seconds
Play#2africancheese11.209 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz11.228 seconds
Play#4tiyago11.229 seconds
Play#5justreef11.232 seconds
Show more

Ilios Well

9.919 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese9.919 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz9.932 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai9.932 seconds
Play#4froze._._.9.953 seconds
Play#5volar1k9.958 seconds
Show more


8.844 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1froze._._.8.844 seconds
Play#2africancheese8.878 seconds
Play#3tonystark69698.888 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz8.972 seconds
Play#5voxyalda8.976 seconds
Show more


6.562 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1volar1k6.562 seconds
Play#2tiyago6.564 seconds
Play#3africancheese6.577 seconds
Play#4froze._._.6.588 seconds
Play#5heyitsezpz6.597 seconds
Show more

King's Row

12.637 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai12.637 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz12.638 seconds
Play#3africancheese12.656 seconds
Play#4froze._._.12.657 seconds
Play#5oworidt12.720 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Control Center

5.802 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz5.802 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai5.808 seconds
Play#3cupocino5.987 seconds
Play#4_pazz6.136 seconds
Play#5themilito6.635 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Garden

8.199 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio8.199 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz8.200 seconds
Play#3africancheese8.208 seconds
Play#4iamlilac8.217 seconds
Play#5froze._._.8.222 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Night Market

8.074 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai8.074 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz8.082 seconds
Play#3volar1k8.122 seconds
Play#4themilito8.123 seconds
Play#5_pazz8.135 seconds
Show more


4.879 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1Its_Vizual4.879 seconds
Play#2africancheese4.891 seconds
Play#3volar1k4.904 seconds
Play#4.ctn.4.912 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz4.912 seconds
Show more

Nepal Sanctum

5.115 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese5.115 seconds
Play#2lossio5.132 seconds
Play#3voxyalda5.149 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz5.152 seconds
Play#5_pazz5.155 seconds
Show more

Nepal Shrine

8.905 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz8.905 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil8.928 seconds
Play#3themilito9.036 seconds
Play#4tonystark69699.047 seconds
Play#5_pazz9.056 seconds
Show more

Nepal Village

8.762 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio8.762 seconds
Play#2africancheese8.770 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz8.774 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil8.784 seconds
Play#5tiyago8.789 seconds
Show more

New Queen Street

11.421 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese11.421 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz11.441 seconds
Play#3puffis_senpai11.451 seconds
Play#4froze._._.11.462 seconds
Play#5kosmicdevil11.488 seconds
Show more


12.769 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio12.769 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz12.926 seconds
Play#3africancheese12.939 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai12.976 seconds
Play#5_pazz13.112 seconds
Show more

Oasis City Center

9.602 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese9.602 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai9.625 seconds
Play#3volar1k9.633 seconds
Play#4_pazz9.658 seconds
Play#5heyitsezpz9.677 seconds
Show more

Oasis Gardens

6.395 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1its_vizual6.395 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz6.400 seconds
Play#3africancheese6.404 seconds
Play#4_pazz6.461 seconds
Play#5Its_Vizual6.465 seconds
Show more

Oasis University

7.325 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio7.325 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz7.328 seconds
Play#3africancheese7.333 seconds
Play#4voxyalda7.344 seconds
Play#5froze._._.7.354 seconds
Show more


16.652 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz16.652 seconds
Play#2africancheese16.752 seconds
Play#3lukw116.848 seconds
Play#4themilito18.128 seconds


9.418 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai9.418 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz9.421 seconds
Play#3africancheese9.430 seconds
Play#4tonystark69699.433 seconds
Play#5_pazz9.517 seconds
Show more


6.168 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio6.168 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz6.189 seconds
Play#3africancheese6.194 seconds
Play#4_pazz6.197 seconds
Play#5tonystark69696.211 seconds
Show more


14.695 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese14.695 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz14.699 seconds
Play#3puffis_senpai14.788 seconds
Play#4themilito14.863 seconds

Route 66

12.649 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz12.649 seconds
Play#2puffis_senpai12.672 seconds
Play#3africancheese12.688 seconds
Play#4chatfou5713.045 seconds
Play#5themilito13.231 seconds
Show more

Shambali Monastery

16.304 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese16.304 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz16.452 seconds
Play#3puffis_senpai16.912 seconds
Play#4chatfou5717.168 seconds
Play#5themilito17.266 seconds
Show more

Temple of Anubis

8.593 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1puffis_senpai8.593 seconds
Play#2africancheese8.597 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz8.598 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil8.640 seconds
Play#5themilito8.679 seconds
Show more

Volskaya Industries

8.776 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese8.776 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz8.807 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil8.816 seconds
Play#4tonystark69698.841 seconds
Play#5_pazz8.862 seconds
Show more

WP: Gibraltar

13.081 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil13.081 seconds
Play#2heyitsezpz13.193 seconds
Play#3traumaticsocks14.768 seconds
Play#4themilito14.800 seconds
Workshop code KVKKR

Blizzard World

10.076 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1its_vizual10.076 seconds
Play#2tiyago10.108 seconds
Play#3justreef10.115 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil10.120 seconds
Play#5froze._._.10.123 seconds
Show more

Busan Downtown

5.677 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1voxyalda5.677 seconds
Play#2lossio5.686 seconds
Play#3real.waterman5.690 seconds
Play#4tiyago5.695 seconds
Play#5froze._._.5.713 seconds
Show more

Busan MEKA Base

7.097 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1real.waterman7.097 seconds
Play#2tiyago7.101 seconds
Play#2froze._._.7.101 seconds
Play#4africancheese7.104 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil7.104 seconds
Show more

Busan Sanctuary

7.599 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil7.599 seconds
Play#2africancheese7.614 seconds
Play#3real.waterman7.615 seconds
Play#4tiyago7.623 seconds
Play#5volar1k7.631 seconds
Show more

Chateau Guillard

4.826 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1Its_Vizual4.826 seconds
Play#2tiyago4.832 seconds
Play#3chatfou574.833 seconds
Play#4froze._._.4.835 seconds
Play#5volar1k4.841 seconds
Show more

Circuit Royal

13.584 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1heyitsezpz13.584 seconds
Play#2tiyago13.598 seconds
Play#3cowon13.600 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil13.600 seconds
Play#3africancheese13.600 seconds
Show more


10.384 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1realgoogle10.384 seconds
Play#2tiyago10.411 seconds
Play#3Its_Vizual10.415 seconds
Play#4africancheese10.416 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz10.416 seconds
Show more


10.293 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1froze._._.10.293 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil10.296 seconds
Play#3tiyago10.297 seconds
Play#4heyitsezpz10.304 seconds
Play#4africancheese10.304 seconds
Show more


8.966 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1cowon8.966 seconds
Play#2froze._._.8.971 seconds
Play#3africancheese8.973 seconds
Play#3real.waterman8.973 seconds
Play#3tiyago8.973 seconds
Show more


11.190 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1tiyago11.190 seconds
Play#2cowon11.192 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz11.200 seconds
Play#4froze._._.11.207 seconds
Play#4chatfou5711.207 seconds
Show more


7.745 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio7.745 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.752 seconds
Play#3arachidamia7.762 seconds
Play#4real.waterman7.764 seconds
Play#5froze._._.7.774 seconds
Show more


14.337 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio14.337 seconds
Play#2justreef14.381 seconds
Play#3africancheese14.384 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil14.390 seconds
Play#4froze._._.14.390 seconds
Show more


9.967 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio9.967 seconds
Play#2froze._._.9.968 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil9.978 seconds
Play#4justreef9.981 seconds
Play#5africancheese9.984 seconds
Play#5tiyago9.984 seconds
Show more

Horizon Lunar Colony

7.280 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese7.280 seconds
Play#2tiyago7.312 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz7.319 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil7.328 seconds
Play#5leapzs7.335 seconds
Show more

Ilios Lighthouse

6.499 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1its_vizual6.499 seconds
Play#2_pazz6.530 seconds
Play#3Its_Vizual6.538 seconds
Play#4froze._._.6.542 seconds
Play#5kosmicdevil6.544 seconds
Show more

Ilios Ruins

9.345 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio9.345 seconds
Play#2africancheese9.351 seconds
Play#3tiyago9.361 seconds
Play#4Its_Vizual9.365 seconds
Play#5froze._._.9.366 seconds
Show more

Ilios Well

8.252 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1cowon8.252 seconds
Play#2africancheese8.254 seconds
Play#3tiyago8.261 seconds
Play#4leapzs8.268 seconds
Play#5Zieon8.269 seconds
Show more


7.253 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1real.waterman7.253 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.261 seconds
Play#3africancheese7.264 seconds
Play#4tiyago7.281 seconds
Play#5froze._._.7.286 seconds
Show more


5.358 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1tiyago5.358 seconds
Play#2justreef5.364 seconds
Play#3africancheese5.365 seconds
Play#4Its_Vizual5.367 seconds
Play#5leapzs5.368 seconds
Show more

King's Row

10.456 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1real.waterman10.456 seconds
Play#2cowon10.471 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil10.488 seconds
Play#4puffis_senpai10.492 seconds
Play#5chatfou5710.493 seconds
Play#5volar1k10.493 seconds
Play#5froze._._.10.493 seconds
Play#5tiyago10.493 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Control Center

4.834 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio4.834 seconds
Play#2real.waterman4.843 seconds
Play#3.ctn.4.848 seconds
Play#4tiyago4.857 seconds
Play#5kosmicdevil4.860 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Garden

6.793 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1its_vizual6.793 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil6.801 seconds
Play#3tiyago6.807 seconds
Play#4Its_Vizual6.818 seconds
Play#5froze._._.6.839 seconds
Show more

Lijiang Night Market

6.656 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1.ctn.6.656 seconds
Play#2tiyago6.659 seconds
Play#3froze._._.6.666 seconds
Play#4justreef6.672 seconds
Play#4africancheese6.672 seconds
Play#4conflo6.672 seconds
Play#4real.waterman6.672 seconds
Show more


4.170 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1real.waterman4.170 seconds
Play#2Its_Vizual4.172 seconds
Play#3froze._._.4.178 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil4.183 seconds
Play#5tiyago4.188 seconds
Show more

Nepal Sanctum

4.300 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1froze._._.4.300 seconds
Play#2voxyalda4.307 seconds
Play#3tiyago4.321 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil4.330 seconds
Play#5volar1k4.334 seconds
Show more

Nepal Shrine

7.468 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese7.468 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.488 seconds
Play#3tiyago7.509 seconds
Play#4chatfou577.513 seconds
Play#5heyitsezpz7.520 seconds
Show more

Nepal Village

7.208 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1real.waterman7.208 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.213 seconds
Play#2froze._._.7.213 seconds
Play#2tiyago7.213 seconds
Play#5mazen_7oms7.224 seconds
Show more

New Queen Street

9.475 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil9.475 seconds
Play#2tiyago9.482 seconds
Play#3real.waterman9.486 seconds
Play#4mazen_7oms9.489 seconds
Play#5froze._._.9.502 seconds
Show more


10.482 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio10.482 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil10.504 seconds
Play#3tiyago10.506 seconds
Play#4Its_Vizual10.509 seconds
Play#5africancheese10.512 seconds
Show more

Oasis City Center

7.938 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1.ctn.7.938 seconds
Play#2tiyago7.949 seconds
Play#3africancheese7.952 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil7.958 seconds
Play#5_pazz7.960 seconds
Show more

Oasis Gardens

5.427 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1its_vizual5.427 seconds
Play#2froze._._.5.432 seconds
Play#3tiyago5.434 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil5.443 seconds
Play#5.ctn.5.444 seconds
Show more

Oasis University

6.154 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1.ctn.6.154 seconds
Play#2justreef6.160 seconds
Play#3leapzs6.163 seconds
Play#4chatfou576.169 seconds
Play#4kosmicdevil6.169 seconds
Show more


13.278 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil13.278 seconds
Play#2tiyago13.290 seconds
Play#3africancheese13.312 seconds
Play#4volar1k13.315 seconds
Play#5_pazz13.336 seconds
Show more


7.840 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1lossio7.840 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.850 seconds
Play#3lukw17.856 seconds
Play#4froze._._.7.861 seconds
Play#5real.waterman7.862 seconds
Show more


5.168 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1africancheese5.168 seconds
Play#2froze._._.5.170 seconds
Play#3real.waterman5.174 seconds
Play#4_pazz5.187 seconds
Play#5chatfou575.189 seconds
Show more


12.062 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1tiyago12.062 seconds
Play#2africancheese12.064 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil12.066 seconds
Play#4real.waterman12.081 seconds
Play#5lossio12.089 seconds
Show more

Route 66

10.364 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil10.364 seconds
Play#2.ctn.10.367 seconds
Play#2africancheese10.367 seconds
Play#4tiyago10.373 seconds
Play#5leapzs10.374 seconds
Play#5puffis_senpai10.374 seconds
Show more

Shambali Monastery

12.810 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1leapzs12.810 seconds
Play#2froze._._.12.823 seconds
Play#3africancheese12.824 seconds
Play#4tiyago12.826 seconds
Play#5chatfou5712.828 seconds
Show more

Temple of Anubis

7.136 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1.ctn.7.136 seconds
Play#2chatfou577.141 seconds
Play#3kosmicdevil7.143 seconds
Play#4real.waterman7.148 seconds
Play#5vishuwu.7.151 seconds
Show more

Volskaya Industries

7.239 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1tiyago7.239 seconds
Play#2kosmicdevil7.247 seconds
Play#2froze._._.7.247 seconds
Play#4real.waterman7.249 seconds
Play#5africancheese7.255 seconds
Show more

WP: Gibraltar

10.764 seconds

Top 5 times

Play#1kosmicdevil10.764 seconds
Play#2_pazz10.778 seconds
Play#3heyitsezpz10.950 seconds
Play# seconds
Play#5tiyago11.197 seconds
Show more